YEMEN Press Agency

Leader Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi: Yemeni unity is national interest compatible with faith identity

SANAA, May 23 (YPA) – Leader of the Yemeni revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, affirmed that “Yemeni unity is a unifying national interest compatible with the Yemeni people and its faith identity.”

The leader Malik Al-Houthi confirmed in his weekly speech on Thursday that the aggression coalition against Yemen has created hostile formations for planting a division among the people under racist, sectarian, regional and political headlines.

“There are countries and entities that have a problem with the unity of the dear people and want the country to be torn, weak, and plagued by problems in all fields, he revealed.

Sayyed al-Houthi went on to say, “Some internally respond to external efforts to tear the country apart out of greed, while others out of grudges.”

“Which is compatible with the identity of our country and its interest is unity, cooperation, and resolving grievances with justice and fairness on the principle of national partnership,” he explained.