YEMEN Press Agency

Financial manager of UAE project kidnapped in Abyan

ABYAN, May 22 (YPA) – Tribal gunmen kidnapped a financial officer of a UAE-funded project along with his personal escort in Abyan province, taking them to an unknown location.

Local sources confirmed that a group of tribal gunmen, led by Ahmed Haidara, kidnapped Wadi’ Taher, the financial manager of the Hassan Dam project in the Khanfar district, taking him to an undisclosed location.

The gunmen abducted Taher after intercepting his vehicle, taking him and one of his escorts without mentioning the reasons behind the abduction.

Earlier, in early June 2023, a vehicle belonging to an engineer on the Hassan Dam project was looted at gunpoint by unidentified gunmen.

It is worth noting that last year, the UAE deployed a military battalion from the “Third Infantry Brigade”  affiliated with the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)  to protect and secure the equipment of the Hassan Dam project.