YEMEN Press Agency

UAE-backed STC recognizes, “We are under guardianship”

ADEN, May 22 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) admitted on Wednesday the greatest calamity that befell it, which led it to impose foreign guardianship over the southern provinces.

Vice President of the STC, Ahmed Saeed Bin Burik, said: “Partnering with legitimacy was one of the major mistakes committed by the transitional council, which led it to bear a large part of the bill for corruption, criticism, and being thrown into the mud of the lack of services and the deterioration of the economy.”

Ben Burik continued in an interview published by “Russian Sputnik” agency, saying: “Our misfortune is that we are partners with legitimacy in the Presidential Council led by Rashad Al-Alimi. One of the biggest mistakes we made was to indulge in participation and obtain four portfolios in the government that had no role.”

He confirmed that the southern provinces are under guardianship, saying, “But that does not mean that citizens will die of hunger and thirst.”

Bin Burik explained that the transitional council was drowned in the corruption that the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition was mired in during the last period, indicating that the STC is a partner with what he called “legitimacy” and cannot escape this accusation.

He stated that it is not possible to take any uncalculated positions or adventure that would lead the STC back to the Riyadh Agreement with the aim of ending the council, which is still suffering a lot, hinting at “revolutionary action” to achieve a more popular rally around the STC and its leadership in order to achieve its goals.