YEMEN Press Agency

Large flocks of crows invade Crater area in Aden

ADEN, May 22 (YPA) – Large flocks of crows have invaded, in an unprecedented manner, the Crater area in the city of Aden, southern Yemen, over the past few days, media sources said on Tuesday.

The sources reported that the Crater area, where Ma’ashiq Palace is located, the residence of the “President of the Leadership Council” and the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition, was subjected to a heavy invasion of flocks of crows, which were able to expel various birds.

The ‘Al-Bumis’ caves on the ‘Jabal Shamsan’ Plateau became a den for crows, which were able to expel mountain pigeons from the city, the sources explained, noting the necessity of expelling crows from the area due to their extensive damage.

The incursion of flocks of crows into the Crater area in Aden is due to the famine that they are wreaking as a result of the lack of food to eat on agricultural lands or in garbage dumps, so they spread in residential neighborhoods in search of something to satisfy their hunger.