YEMEN Press Agency

President Al-Mashat calls on coalition to end conflicts, move towards peace

SANAA, May 21 (YPA) – President of the Supreme Political Council in Sanaa, Mahdi Al-Mashat, confirmed on Tuesday Sanaa’s sincere desire to make peace and good neighborliness and restore brotherhood with the surroundings of Yemen and with the parties inside.

In his speech today on the occasion of the 34th anniversary of Yemeni unity, President Al-Mashat called on the Saudi-led coalition to move forward on the path of peace, end crises and conflicts completely, and work together to make the region as a whole a safe, stable, and prosperous region.

President Al-Mashat also called on the leadership of the coalition, represented by its first leadership, to complete what it started with Sanaa, engage seriously in signing and implementing the road map, and immediately begin creating and strengthening the atmosphere supportive of building confidence in the humanitarian and economic aspects.

He warned of America, Israeli entity, and Britain and their subversive and destructive efforts against the peoples and countries of the nation.

President Al-Mashat urged the international community and the United Nations to remove the decisions and headlines that obstruct peace in Yemen and to play a positive role in promoting and encouraging Sanaa’s intentions and good directions.

In his speech, President Al-Mashat also called on America and Britain to immediately stop the aggression against Gaza, stop their aggression against Yemen, and realize that the aggressive behavior represents a serious threat to international peace and security and exposes their interests to danger.

President Al-Mashat directed the government to postpone the celebration of National Day until the end of the days of mourning and to share the Iranian people’s feelings of sorrow over the death of the Iranian president and his comrades.