YEMEN Press Agency

Top students in southern, eastern Yemen protest to demand their right to scholarships

ADEN, May 19 (YPA) – The top republic and postgraduate students in southern Yemen, candidates for scholarships offered by Saudi Arabia for the year 2023-2024, carried out a protest on Sunday, in front of the building of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Aden governorate, to demand justice for them after they were deprived of their approved scholarships.

During the protest, students raised banners and slogans demanding the government affiliated with the coalition, to look into the issue, in order for them to enroll in universities in Saudi Arabia for the year 2024-2025.

The protesting students confirmed that a whole year has passed since they have been waiting for cultural exchange scholarships to Saudi Arabia without any interest or movement from the Ministry of Higher Education, which has begun to ignore all their demands, as they said.

They also explained that they cannot give up their right, which is being delayed, without knowing the motives for these actions, despite having passed all the stages in a sound and correct manner.

It should be noted that the government affiliated with the coalition was exposed to a major scandal last year regarding scholarships abroad, which are controlled by the sons of officials.