YEMEN Press Agency

Forced summons of famous media activist sparks street anger in Aden

ADEN, May 16 (YPA) –  The authorities loyal to the Saudi-led coalition in Aden city, southern Yemen, summoned a media activist for an investigation because she criticized the financial and administrative corruption behind the collapse of all services in the city.

The “Southern Aden Appeals Prosecution,” which is subject to the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), in the coalition-funded “Aden” TV Channel, asked the media professional, Mona Abdo Muhammad al-Majidi, to appear before the Al-Mina Court of First Instance in Al-Tawahi because of her criticism of the corruption of the director of the Sirah District, Mahmoud Jaradi.

Activists from Aden and the southern provinces denounced the continued repressive measures against the activist Al-Majidi and everyone who criticizes corruption, stressing that the intimidation of activists and media professionals is a desperate attempt to silence the people of Aden who are demanding their rights to electricity and water.

The activists asked the people of Aden to be next to the activist Mona Al-Majidi at the summons so that she would not be subjected to abuse or arbitrary arrest.

Al-Majidi had previously been summoned by the so-called “Press and Publications Prosecution” affiliated with the pro-coalition authorities in Aden in early December 2023, despite statements of solidarity by human rights and journalistic organizations with Al-Majidi and demands to invalidate the case.