YEMEN Press Agency

UN envoy presents special briefing on Yemen to UN Security Council

NEW YORK, May 13 (YPA) – The UN envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, presented his special briefing on Yemen to the UN Security Council on Monday.

The envoy stressed his need to rely on the support of the region and the Security Council and said, “We must not lose sight of the fundamental value of long-term peace.”

Grundberg confirmed that he continues to work to achieve progress on peace in Yemen, under the auspices of the United Nations, with the support of the international community and regional countries.

The UN envoy pointed out that his office is currently engaged in communicating with the Yemenis to facilitate the release of detainees, open roads, and improve the economic and financial situation.

He noted the state of calm along the front lines during the past month, but he expressed his concern about some intermittent military escalations in some provinces.