YEMEN Press Agency

Lebanese resistance targets military site of Zionist army in Shab’a Farms

BEIRUT, May 12 (YPA) – The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, led by Hezbollah, announced on Sunday that it had targeted a deployment of Zionist enemy soldiers in the occupied Shab’a Farms with new heavy “Emad Mughniyeh” missiles, confirming that it had directly hit it.

The Lebanese Resistance said in a statement: “In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their valiant and honorable resistance, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance targeted, at 16:25 this afternoon, Sunday, a deployment of Zionist enemy soldiers in the vicinity of the Zabdin site in the occupied Lebanese Shab’a Farms were attacked with new heavy missiles (Emad Mughniyeh) and they directly hit them”.