YEMEN Press Agency

Yemeni politician explains why Turkey ceased commercial dealings with Zionist entity

SANAA, May 03 (YPA) – A Yemeni academic and politician residing in London revealed the reasons for stopping Turkish commercial dealings with the Zionist entity suddenly, seven months after the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip in Palestine.

“It seems that Turkey predicted Sanaa’s decision and announced the cessation of commercial dealings with the Israeli occupation,” Yemeni politician Ahmed Al-Muayyad said in a brief post on the “X” platform on Friday, commenting on the Sanaa forces’ announcement of the fourth phase of escalation in the face of the Israeli-US aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

It is noteworthy that Sanaa forces announced Friday afternoon that they would target all ships violating the navigation ban on Israeli ships and heading to the ports of occupied Palestine in the Mediterranean Sea.

This comes after the Turkish Ministry of Trade suddenly announced in early May that all commercial dealings with Israel would be halted until humanitarian aid is allowed to enter the Gaza Strip.