YEMEN Press Agency

UN report reveals falsity of Israeli entity’s claims regarding UNRWA

GAZA, April 22 (YPA) – A UN report has revealed that there is no evidence that employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees (UNRWA) are linked to any Palestinian organization, despite the major attack and incitement to which many donor countries were drawn.

Reuters reported that a review of UNRWA’s neutrality concluded that the latter has mechanisms to ensure compliance with humanitarian principles and neutrality.

The review stated that “Israel” “did not provide evidence to support the claim that a large number of agency employees are members of terrorist organizations,” as it put it.

The Colonna report, commissioned by the United Nations in the wake of the Israeli allegations, concluded that “UNRWA regularly provided Israel with lists of names of its employees for scrutiny,” and the Israeli government has not previously communicated any concerns regarding “any UNRWA staff positioned on these staff lists since 2011.”