YEMEN Press Agency

UNMHA denies media allegations about military presence in Hodeida ports

HODEIDA, March 05 (YPA) – Head of the UN Mission to Support the Hodeida Agreement (UNMHA), Major General Michael Beary, denied on Tuesday the allegations made by some media outlets about military manifestations into the ports of Hodeida.

“Our field teams confirm that there are no military manifestations in Ras Issa port, contrary to the claims of some media outlets,” Michael Beary said during his meeting with the head of the Sanaa team in the Redeployment Committee in in Hodeida province, Major General Ali Al-Mushki.

He added: “We have seen the National Salvation Government’s endeavor to bring peace to Yemen through all the efforts it is providing to the United Nations.”

For his part, Major General Ali Al-Mushki, said that peace is not in the interest of the other party, the “coalition forces,” because they live on the suffering of Yemeni people and obstruct efforts to end the aggression and to address its effects.

He explained that 85 percent the population lives within the framework of the Sanaa government, and blocking roads is an aggressive policy aimed at increasing the siege.

Al-Mushki stressed that opening roads must be through bilateral meetings and guarantees and not media “propaganda” that does not serve the interests of the people.

“We are in favor of opening all roads for the interests of the people and not selective roads for the purpose of media propaganda only as the other party “coalition forces” does,” he added.