YEMEN Press Agency

Hezbollah launches series of military operations targeting Israeli sites

BIERUT, Feb. 08 (YPA) – Lebanon’s Hezbollah launched on Thursday a series of military operations targeting seven Israeli sites on the border with occupied Palestine.

Hezbollah said in its statements that the Birkat Risha site was targeted with two “Burkan” missiles, and that the Israeli weapon-launching site of al-Zaoura and the “Maale Golan” Barracks were hit with two “Falaq” missiles.

The statement announced the targeting of a building in the Metulla settlement, where occupation soldiers are stationed, in addition to a radar site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms.

At the same time, the Israeli media outlets reported that “three Israeli occupation soldiers were injured, one of whom was seriously, as a result of the fall of missiles launched by Hezbollah on Kiryat Shmona and Beranit.