YEMEN Press Agency

Iraqi resistance suspends its operations against US forces

BAGHDAD, Jan. 31 (YPA) – The Iraqi Kataib Hezbollah have suspended their operations against the US occupation forces in Syria and Iraq so as to not go against the wishes of the Iraqi government, Secretary-General Abu Hussein al-Hamidawi said on Tuesday.

The Islamic Resistance “has taken the decision to support the people of Gaza without any intervention from foreign parties,” al-Hamidawi said.

He added that the Iraqi Resistance faction would continue defending Gaza through means other than armed struggle.

“Our brothers in the Axis [of Resistance], especially in Iran, do not know the specifics of our jihadist work, and they have repeatedly declared opposition to our escalation against the US forces in Iraq and Syria,” he added.

The Secretary-General also commanded the fighters of Kataib Hezbollah to “adopt passive defense (temporarily) if any hostile US action occurs against them.”