YEMEN Press Agency

UAE accused of waging undeclared war in southern provinces

ADEN, Jan. 21 (YPA) – “Southern Revolutionary Movement Council” accused on Sunday the UAE and Saudi Arabia of waging an undeclared war on the people of the southern provinces to make a living as a result of the ongoing economic collapse.

The council said in a statement that the collapse of the local currency comes within the framework of the unjust war launched by the coalition against the Yemenis with the goal of further oppression and insult to the Yemeni people.

The statement held the UAE-Saudi coalition fully responsible for the collapse of the currency in Aden and the rest of the southern provinces, indicating that the collapse would result in an exacerbation of human suffering.

It considered the economic collapse to fall within the framework of the undeclared comprehensive war on the citizen in all basic services related to daily life, and this the war must be confronted with free will and courage.

The council’s statement called on the people of Aden and the southern provinces to rise up before the living situation worsens, and to move to expel the coalition and its tools, which have caused damage and suffering to citizens in the country’s south.