YEMEN Press Agency

Former US intelligence officer: Biden responsible for the destruction of Ukraine

WORLD, Dec. 27 (YPA) – Former US intelligence officer Rebekah Koffler said that US President Joe Biden had signed the “death sentence” against Ukraine through a policy that pushed it to join NATO.

The former Pentagon intelligence noted in her article in Newsweek that the “debate” between the administration in the White House and the US Congress over the issue of approving additional funding for Ukraine, ended with congressional lawmakers postponing this issue until next January.

Koffler said that no matter what January sees on that issue, Ukraine’s fate is clear and manifests itself in “more death and destruction for the country, more bloodshed in 2024.”

According to her description, Biden is responsible for “the crushing and destruction of Ukraine and the Ukrainians,” basing her statement on the perseverance of the current US president, former vice president in the era of Barack Obama, to play the same role about the Ukrainian issue, and to follow with his team a dangerous strategy to push Kiev towards NATO membership.