YEMEN Press Agency

Sharp tension threatens to explode situation among armed factions in Aden

ADEN, July 9 (YPA) – A Sharp tension threatens to explode situation between the groups of security belt and the forces of the so-called presidential protection.

 According to informed sources in the province of Aden, a mediation committee had moved on Wednesday to extinguish the crisis that erupted after the presidential protection forces refused to complete its withdrawal from some facilities, Which angered the security belt group which backed by the UAE occupation.

The sources said that the situation indicates an imminent outbreak of confrontations between the two parties, if the “presidential protection” insisted on its position not to evacuate

The so-called presidential protection forces claim to be entitled to take over the protection of vital installations in Aden under the understandings between “Hadi” and Emiratis, as well as the presidential forces accused the security belt to implemented an agenda of the Transitional Council, which does not serve the state. 

The presidential forces said  that the objection of the security belt to the management and protection of the airport by the presidential protection indicates the existence of a bad nucleus against the symbols of state.

Meanwhile, the “security belt” considered that the actions of “presidential protection which  occupy the airport and a number of facilities, is irresponsible behavior, serving the Islah Party, which wants to spread chaos and destroy the regime in the city.


Sameera Hassn