YEMEN Press Agency

Meeting in Sanaa discusses situations of Transport Ministry

SANAA, July 9 (YPA) – A meeting, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister for Services, Mahmoud Abdul Qader Al-Junaid, discussed on Monday  the situations of the Ministry of Transport and the General Authority for the Regulation of Transport Affairs in the capital Sanaa.

The meeting, which included Transport Minister, Zakaria Al-Shami, discussed aspects related to the problem of illegal collection of transportation fees by unauthorized parties to collect.

Al-Junaid stressed the need for integration and coordination between different parties to solve the problem of interference, especially in the collection of fees on the means of transport in long lines and passenger buses in major cities.


“The collection of revenues and fees by unauthorized persons is a systematic looting of public funds, and one of the crimes that must speed up legal procedures and refer the perpetrators to the competent authorities.” Al-Junaid said.

Al Junaid praised the efforts exerted by the Ministry of Transport in activating the performance of the ministry and its affiliated bodies and adopting the latest regulations in monitoring financial and administrative performance.

In his part, Al-Shami explained that the Ministry of Transport is working according to programs that have been prepared since the beginning of 2018, including development projects aimed at providing the best services in the field of transport.

Al-Shami pointed out that the ministry and its institutions and bodies are facing difficulties imposed by the Saudi-led coalition aggression and its direct target for sea ports, land ports and airports.


Sameera Hassn