YEMEN Press Agency

Yemeni woman stranded in Gaza launches appeal to save her with her children                        

OCCUPIED QUDS, Dec. 06 (YPA) – A Yemeni citizen appealed to the Yemeni people to rescue her and evacuate her and her children from the besieged Gaza Strip.

The citizen Iqbal Mohsen Al-Zaidi appeared in a video, appealing to the “Yemeni people” to save her and her children from the war of extermination that the Israeli entity has been waging against the Gaza Strip for two months.

Iqbal stated that her house was subjected to Israeli bombing, and she was forced to flee with her children and grandchildren on foot, and they do not have any furniture or household utensils, noting that she suffers from diseases, and their financial situation is extremely collapsed.

For two months, the Gaza Strip has witnessed barbaric Israeli aggression that killed more than 16,000 civilians, most of them women and children, and injured more than 40,000 Palestinians.

Al-Alimi’s government, loyal to Saudi-led coalition, had overlooked the Yemeni citizen, Iqbal, so she resorted to appealing to the Yemeni people in the hope of saving her.