YEMEN Press Agency

Gov’t Media Office in Gaza warns of occurrence of famine, spread of epidemics

GAZA, Nov. 20 (YPA) – The Government of Gaza Media Office said on Monday that the living conditions of the people in Gaza Strip in light of the continued aggression and siege threaten the occurrence of famine and the spread of diseases and epidemics.

The office affirmed in a statement that the occurrence of a famine in the Gaza Strip as a result of an acute shortage of food and basic supplies confirms that the international community, led by the United States of America, is plotting a malicious plan aimed at emptying the Strip and displacing its people to Egypt.”

“Day after day, the humanitarian situation is worsening and deteriorating in an unprecedented way, and the situation on the ground is becoming more disastrous,” the statement added.

It pointed out that markets and shops are suffering from a drought of basic foodstuffs such as flour, oil, rice, and various types of canned goods, coinciding with the complete cessation of bakery operations, which are leading to the complete absence of hundreds of types of foodstuffs from the market.

The statement stressed approximately 2.3 million people in the Gaza Strip need to foodstuffs and basic relief materials, amidst fears of famine and the spread of diseases and epidemics in the Strip, noting that the difficult humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip has clearly exhausted all hospitals and governmental and non-governmental teams working continuously in the field, in addition to the cold weather and rainfall, which have raised the demand for needs and supplies that help citizens adapt to the climate, rain, and winter.

It also called on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) to play its full role and provide citizens with relief and basic materials.

The statement called on the Arab and Islamic countries to hold their responsibilities to open the Rafah crossing permanently and supply the Gaza Strip with food and basic aid to avoid a real humanitarian catastrophe.