YEMEN Press Agency

Fatah al-Intifada blesses Yemeni operation of seizing Israeli ship in the Red Sea

SANAA, Nov. 20 (YPA) – Fatah al-Intifada Movement, blessed on Sunday the heroic operation carried out by the Yemeni armed forces, during which they seized a Zionist cargo ship detained all those were onboard.

In a statement obtained by Yemen Press Agency, Fatah intifada Movement confirmed that this operation comes within the framework of practical translation on the ground and in support of the Palestinian resistance, which is writing the most wonderful epics of defiance and steadfastness in the Gaza Strip.

The movement saluted the Yemeni armed forces and the brotherly people of Yemen, who from the first moment of the beginning of the battle of Al-Aqsa flood were in the front row to defend our people, who are subjected to the most heinous massacres by the Zionist enemy in the Gaza Strip.