YEMEN Press Agency

Palestinian resistance calls on Arab-Islamic summit to implement its decision to bring aid into Gaza

GAZA, Nov. 16 (YPA) – The leading member in the Palestinian resistance movement “Hamas”, Osama Hamdan, called on the leaders of Arab and Islamic countries on Thursday to implement the decision they took during the Riyadh summit to bring aid into Gaza.

Hamdan said in a press conference held today, Thursday, “We have been waiting for six days for the implementation of the Arab-Islamic Summit’s decision to bring aid into Gaza.”

He revealed the falsity of the allegations presented by the Israeli occupation forces at the Al-Shifa Hospital complex.

“It is not reasonable to store weapons next to magnetic resonance imaging machines in any hospital, as the occupation claims,” Hamdan said. “The occupation’s claims that there is a military command center in Al-Shifa Hospital are ridiculous, and it has failed to prove them.”

Hamdan held the administration of US President Biden and the US Department of Defense responsible for the crimes of the Israeli occupation forces in Gaza and in Al-Shifa Hospital.

He expressed the disappointment of the Palestinian people with the Security Council resolution, which was expected to issue a resolution condemning the crimes of ethnic cleansing committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people.