YEMEN Press Agency

General Tariq Saleh could not hide his sadness for not celebrating on 1994 war victory

WESTERN COAST, July 7 (YPA) – Military sources in the western coast said that Brigadier General Tariq Saleh held a meeting with senior commanders and soldiers commemorating the 24th anniversary of the victory over the south.

The sources confirmed to Yemen Press Agency that during the meeting, Tariq reviewed the achievements of his uncle Slain Former President Ali Abdullah Saleh in the south, and how he managed to subject t the southern provinces in the summer war 1994, which lasted only two months.

The sources indicated that the Gen. Tariq could not hide his grave without celebrating this great occasion.

The United Arab of Emirates (UAE) occupation forces returned Tariq Saleh to Aden after he fled from Sanaa at the beginning of December last year following the events of sedition that ended with the death of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The UAE occupation forces had given Tariq great potential to equip fighters to ensure their absolute loyalty, and fight for its expansionist ambitions in Yemen.

Abu Dhabi has forced many of its loyal southern military commanders to operate under Tariq’s command in the west coast front.