YEMEN Press Agency

Beijing calls for immediate ceasefire between Israeli enemy, Palestinians

WORLD, Oct. 08 (YPA) – China said on Sunday it was “deeply concerned” by the weekend’s dramatic escalation of violence between Israel and the Palestinians, urging all sides to show “calm”.

“China is deeply concerned about the current escalation of tension and violence between Palestine and Israel,” Beijing’s foreign ministry said in a statement .

Beijing “calls on all parties concerned to remain calm and exercise restraint, cease fire immediately, protect civilians and prevent further deterioration of the situation”, the statement read.

According to the statement, the repeated clashes between Palestine and Israel fully demonstrate that the long-term stagnation of the peace process is unsustainable.

“The fundamental way out of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict lies in the implementation of the ‘two-state solution’ and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state,” it added.

China called on the international community to “enhance its sense of urgency, increase its participation on the (resolution of the) Palestinian issue, promote the early resumption of peace talks between Palestine and Israel and seek a way for lasting peace.”

“China will continue to make unremitting efforts with the international community to this end,” it said.