YEMEN Press Agency

Grundberg discusses in Riyadh efforts to support peace in Yemen

RIYADH, Sept. 25 (YPA) – The UN envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, held on Monday met in Riyadh with met in Riyadh with the ambassadors of the five permanent members of the Security Council to discuss coordination of international efforts to support peace.

In the meeting, the officials discussed also the progress of efforts to reach an agreement and to end the war on Yemen.

The UN envoy, during his meeting also with Saudi Ambassador to Yemen, Mohammed Al Jaber the two sides stressed the importance to stop the conflict and take measures to improve living conditions in Yemen, including paying public sector salaries, a sustainable ceasefire across the country, and the resumption of a UN-sponsored political process.

Grundberg renewed his appreciation for the support of the Sultanate of Oman in this regard.

“In this critical period, Yemen needs concerted regional and international support to move forward on the path to peace and sustainable development,” the UN envoy added.

Grundberg had welcomed the visit of the Sanaa negotiating delegation to Riyadh, as part of efforts aimed at reaching solutions to a number of controversial issues, to facilitate the resumption of a political process between Sanaa and the coalition countries under the auspices of the United Nations.