YEMEN Press Agency

Recruits killed in Marib confrontations

MRIB, Aug. 30 (YPA) – About six recruits of the coalition-backed armed factions were killed on Wednesday in new fierce clashes between tribal militants in Wadi Abaida area, southwest of the city of Marib, northeastern Yemen.

Local sources said three gunmen of tribes were killed also and three others wounded in the clashes.

The sources affirmed that the violent clashes took place between “Al-Hatik” tribe, one of the Abaida tribes, and the road security forces in “Al-Makhtam” area in the city.

This came against the backdrop of the coalition forces’ arrest of a number of members of Al- Hatik tribes, on charges of participating in the assassination of Al-Qaeda leader “Abdul Razzaq Al-Baqmaa,” who served as a Commander of the First Brigade in the Happy Yemen Forces” on June 24, 2022.

The sources added that the drones of the coalition launched more than five air strikes targeting several areas in Wadi Abaida.