YEMEN Press Agency

Gunmen hijack UAE’s military vehicle in Shabwa

SHABWA, Aug. 23 (YPA) – Unidentified gunmen hijacked on Wesnesday a military vehicle belonging to the UAE-funded armed factions in Shabwa province, eastern Yemen.

Sources familiar with the matter said the gunmen, believed to belong to terrorist elements loyal to Islah Party, had looted the vehicle of the so-called Shabwa Defense” factions, and also kidnapped its driver, Tawfiq Al-Atifi, in Ain Bamabad area of the coastal Rudum district.

The hijacking of the vehicle was carried out near the headquarters of the UAE forces stationed in the Balhaf gas facility.

The province’s oil-rich districts have been witnessed an unprecedented security chaos since the coalition factions took control of the province in 2016, and the incidents of assassinations, explosions and tribal feuds increased after the expulsion of the Islah factions from Ataq city, the provincial capital of Shabwa, in August of last year.