YEMEN Press Agency

Citizens killed in Abyan separate shooting incidents

ABYAN, Aug. 08 (YPA) – Two people were killed on Tuesday in two separate incidents in Abyan province, which is under the control of the UAE-funded factions, in southern Yemen.

According to local sources in the province, Ahmed Saleh Abbad Al-Marqashi, 30, was shot dead by his brother in the coastal district of Ahwar, without knowing the reason.

On the other hand, another citizen, who named Mohammed Amsuh Hadeel, was killed by gunfire from an unknown gunman, believed to belong to the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s factions, in the center of Lawdar city in the same province.

Eyewitnesses added that residents tried to save the citizen’s life, but he died before he was taken to the hospital.

The districts of Abyan have witnessed a security chaos due to the spread of factions affiliated with the UAE and Saudi Arabia, in addition to creating several Al-Qaeda-backed camps in the various districts of the province.