YEMEN Press Agency

Yemeni archaeological statue forcibly hidden for 93 years in America

SANAA, Aug. 07 (YPA) – A Yemeni researcher in the field of antiquities interested in monitoring smuggled Yemeni antiquities, Abdullah Mohsen, revealed on Monday the presence of an ancient Yemeni archaeological statue in America, which he described as “forcibly hidden” 93 years ago in the United States.

The Archeology expert Mohsen said on his account on the “Facebook” platform that the statue has been in a museum in the United States of America since 1930, and it was mentioned in the book “The Search for the Queen of Sheba”, issued in 2015, plate 83.

He stated that the statue was made of alabaster for the king, “Am Yada Thi Shechem,” as it is inscribed on the base of the completed statue.

In previous statements, the expert accused the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition of negligence and not allocating a budget that helps track Yemeni antiquities abroad, despite all that is published about the cases of Yemeni antiquities abroad.

American and French auctions topped the list of “exhibitions” selling looted Yemeni antiquities in recent years, in light of accusations against the coalition and the “government” loyal to it of standing behind networks of looting and smuggling of the history and heritage of Yemen.