YEMEN Press Agency

Tribal conflicts plague Shabwa

SHABWA, July 25 (YPA) – Yemen’s southeastern province of Shabwa witnessed On Tuesday, violent tribal confrontations near the city of Ataq, the center of the governorate.

According to informed sources, clashes broke out in the “Merkhah As Sufla” district between the clans of Al Nasi tribes following dispute over the ownership of agricultural land.

“Both sides used light and medium weapons in the clashes,” one of the sources said, adding that “no casualties have been reported”

Conflicts have escalated dramatically between Shabwa tribes, in light of Riyadh and Abu Dhabi accusations of attracting tribes and reviving revolts and conflicts in coalition-controlled areas with the aim of controlling the oil-rich province.

In the middle of this month, Saudi Arabia formed a component the “Shabwa Tribes Alliance”, with the aim of breaking the UAE’s hegemony in light of the escalation of al-Qaeda’s attacks on military sites belonging to the UAE-backed factions in Shabwa.

While some consider that the conflicts of Riyadh and Abu Dhabi make the province the next arena for confrontation after the governorate of Hadramout.