YEMEN Press Agency

UAE adopts new tactic to take over Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, July. 09 (YPA) – The UAE has adopted a new tactic to control the districts of Wadi Hadramout, which are under the control of the forces of the “First Military Region” loyal to the Islah party.

Several leaders of the UAE-funded “Hadrami Uprising” announced in a statement on Sunday a new escalation against the pro-Saudi authorities in the districts of the province.

The statement affirmed the Hadrami Uprising’s readiness to carry out angry protests against the corruption of the coalition-backed government and its manipulation of the province’s revenues.

The protests come in response to the collapse of public services, including electricity, water and health, the statement added, calling for the public treasury to be replenished for each district in Hadramout from the revenues to meet the diesel price differences to limit the collapse of services in all districts.

The statement affirmed that the second Hadrami Uprising would start with escalation by organizing protest rallies in the districts of Hadramout, calling on the people of Hadramout to actively participate in the escalation to uproot the corruption from the province.

They warned the local authorities and the coalition-funded government against ignoring the general demands of Hadramout people of, blaming them for the consequences of the service war waged against citizens.

The announcement of the protests in the districts of Hadramout comes after a demonstration staged by the supporters of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council was shot by the gunmen of the Islah party-run“First Military Zone” the last week, which left a number of injuries among the participants.

At the end of last June, Saudi Arabia announced the establishment ofso-called “Hadramout Council” of tribal figures to limit Emirati military moves by the STC factions towards the oil-rich districts of the province.