YEMEN Press Agency

Palestinian resistance factions applaud Qalqilya operation

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, July 06 (YPA) – The Palestinian resistance factions hailed on Thursday the run-over and shooting attack that took place near the entrance to the “Kedumim” settlement near the city of Qalqilya in the occupied West Bank.

A Palestinian youth carried out a shooting and run-over operation this afternoon near the “Kedumim” settlement near the city of Qalqilya, which resulted in the death of a Zionist soldier and the wounding of another, while the youngster was killed, according to the Zionist enemy’s media.

The factions confirmed in multiple statements today, commenting on the operation, that the operation reveals the ability of the Palestinian people and their free resistance fighters to respond to the enemy’s crimes in a place and time, despite all the Zionist security measures and the state of alert in which the Zionist enemy army is living.

The statements stressed that “attempts to quell the flames of resistance will not succeed.”