YEMEN Press Agency

People of Mahra affirm their position to confront foreign conspiracies

MAHRA, June 19 (YPA) -The people of Mahra province, on Monday renewed their firm position in thwarting foreign plots and schemes targeting the governorate.


The head of the sit-in committee, in the districts of Al-Messila, and Sayhut, Sheikh Salem Saad Al-Zuwaidi, said that the people of Mahra are ready to thwart conspiracies and schemes targeting Al-Mahra, and to maintain security, stability and public tranquility in the governorate.

He called on field leaders to continue the struggle against all projects targeting Mahra governorate.

For his part, the head of the political department in the sit-in committee, Saeed Afri, said during the expanded meeting of the sons of the districts of Sayhut and Messila, on Monday, that “the people of Mahra “are at a dangerous crossroads experienced by Al-Mahra in particular and Yemen in general from conflicts that did not lead to a known goal and funded by foreign occupation.”

Afri called on field leaders to raise vigilance and a sense of security to implement the instructions of the sit-in committee, which coincides with the next stage.

He added that the conspiracies are large and ongoing against Mahra, which requires standing up and confronting them through raising awareness of the people of the dangers of the occupation and its tools in the governorate, stressing the need to stand against destructive projects.

Afri urged the people of Mahra to continue their struggle against the occupation projects aimed at dismantling the social fabric of the people, considering that the districts of Sayhut and Al-Messila are the western gate of the governorate and must be protected from any penetration.