YEMEN Press Agency

Power outage sparks angary protest in oil-rich province of Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, June 19 (YPA) -The city of Ghail Bawazir in Hadramout governorate witnessed angry protests, denouncing the deterioration of electricity services in the past weeks.

Protesters have roamed the streets of the city in recent hours, chanting angry slogans denouncing the power outage in the city in conjunction with the high summer temperatures.

The protesters demanded an end to the suffering of citizens exacerbated by the significant deterioration of electricity services.

This comes after angry protesters on Sunday blocked the main roads in the city and set fire to tires in the city of Al-Shihr in a protest against the silence on this issue coming from the government and the Presidential Council loyal to the Saudi-led coalition.

The Hadramout Coast Electricity Corporation imposed a two-hour program to turn on electricity for every four hours of shutdown after two generators went out of service at the Socotra power station in Al-Shihr.