YEMEN Press Agency

UAE-backed factions carry out deployment in Shabwa

SHABWA, May 18 (YPA)-  The UAE-backed factions carried out on Wednesday a pre-emptive military operation in Shabwa governorate towards the road leading to Saudi territory.

Pro-Saudi-led coalition media sources said that “the UAE-funded Shabwa defense factions carried out an armed deployment along the road linking Ataq and Al-Abr towards Hadramout in eastern Yemen and leading to the Al-Wadea land border crossing with Saudi Arabia.

According to the sources, the command of the Emirati forces in Shabwa deployed the so-called Support Brigade forces to secure the Al-Abr road to limit the expansion of the control of the Saudi-backed “Dera al-Wattan” forces.

The sources pointed out that the Emirati forces took advantage of the event of the General Friday of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Mukalla early next week to control the international road under the pretext of securing the leaders of the STC.

Saudi Arabia had deployed units from the so-called “Dera al-Wattan” forces on the Hadramout crossing road in mid-February to limit the control of the UAE-funded “Hadrami elite” on the road.