YEMEN Press Agency

Popular rally held in Taiz to prevent burning of woman’s body

TAIZ, May 12 (YPA) – Dozens of protesters prevented on Wednesday the burning of a woman’s body after she was killed of Taiz province.

Human rights sources in the people of the Dabaa area of Al-Shamayatain district, which is controlled by the Islah Party factions affiliated with the coalition, organized an angry protest during the funeral of the victim, “Fatima Salem Al-Dubai,” after she was killed in a gruesome manner, amid an attempt to burn her body and mutilate her, due to malicious and provocative charges.

The sources pointed out that the protesters raised banners denouncing the heinous crime, calling for the arrest of the remaining suspects in the crime.

The sources indicated that the participants warned the local authorities affiliated with the Islah Party against manipulating the course of the case, or to cover up the perpetrators, stressing that they should be tried before public opinion.