YEMEN Press Agency

Islamic Jihad mourns martyrdom of three commanders

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, May 09 (YPA) – The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) group, mourned  the martyrdom of  three commanders Khalil Al-Bahitini, Tareq Ezzeddine and Jihad Ghannam along with members of their families in several strikes that targeted a number of sites in Gaza City, Rafah and Khan Yunis.

The Palestinian response to this heinous massacre won’t be late, the group said in a statement, underlining that Al-Quds Brigades and all resistance factions won’t remain negligent in front of the bloods of the martyrs.

“The enemy won’t achieve its goal behind this crime, as the resistance is united and its stances are constant,” the Islamic Jihad added.

The statement further underscored that the movement will be more determined to continue its path and fulfill its sacred duties in confronting the enemy.

Behind the Al-Quds Brigades there are daring leaders and soldiers who shoulder the responsibility and are determined to fight and exhaust the enemy on all fronts, the movement concluded.