YEMEN Press Agency

Iran condemns latest air strikes by Zionist regime on Gaza

TEHRAN, May 09 (YPA) – The Islamic Republic of Iran strongly condemned the latest air strikes by the Zionist regime that have killed at least 12 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

In a statement on Tuesday, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani categorically condemned the Israeli air strikes on Gaza that have resulted in the martyrdom of three leaders of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement and the deaths and injury of several other civilians, including women and children.

The spokesman said the attacks that have been carried out ahead of the anniversary of Al-Nakba (Catastrophe) Day reveal the aggressive Zionist regime’s frustration and weakness in the face of the heroic resistance shown by young Palestinians in the West Bank and al-Quds and also were aimed at diverting public attention from the Israeli regime’s critical and unstable domestic situation.

Kanaani also denounced the inaction and muted response from Western countries and international organizations to the escalation of the Zionist regime’s inhumane acts against the Palestinian nation in recent months as a major factor that has emboldened the apartheid Israeli regime in the continuation of its crimes.

He noted that such a silence will be marked as a “dark and shameful” action in the record of the fake advocates of human rights in history.

The Iranian spokesman finally stressed the need for immediate, effective, deterrent and coordinated action by the Islamic countries to stop the Zionist regime’s crime and killing machine.