YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Qaeda members document operation to target STC militias in Abyan

ABYAN, May 06 (YPA) – Al-Qaeda members documented on Saturday the targeting of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militia in Abyan province, south of Yemen.

An account on “Twitter” website called “al-Sunnah wal Jama’ah in Yemen” published pictures of the moment the barracks and military sites belonging to the STC militia were targeted with a number of mortar shells in al-Mahfad area last week.

The pictures showed the extent to which the organization’s elements controlled important sites that put the UAE-affiliated militia at the mercy of the terrorist elements’ fire.

The STC’s militia imposed its control over the districts of Abyan after announcing Operation Arrows of the East last August, under the pretext of fighting terrorist elements and chasing the Islah Party’s militants.

Abyan sons accused Abdul Latif Al-Sayed and Abdul-Rahman Al-Shenini, the leaders of the STC militia and were members of the terrorist organization, of being behind these attacks, because the militia imposed its control over Abyan, under the pretext of fighting Al-Qaeda.

Dozens of leaders and members of the STC, most of whom recruited by the Emirates from Dhalea, Yafa and Lahj, were killed by dozens of explosive devices planted by terrorist elements in districts of Mudiyah and Mahfad,.