YEMEN Press Agency

Saudi Arabia gives its loyal forces in Hadramout new tasks, putting more pressure on UAE

HADRAMOUT, May 06 (YPA) – Well-informed sources in the “government” loyal to the Saudi-led coalition revealed on Saturday the growing intensity of the conflict between Saudi Arabia and the UAE in Hadramout province, eastern Yemen.

The sources confirmed that the Saudi commander of the “support and back forces,” Sultan Al-Baqami, during his recent visit to the city of Mukalla along with Sagheer bin Aziz, was able to reach an agreement with the pro-coalition governor of Hadramout, Mabkhout bin Madhi, who is loyal to the UAE and member of the “Presidential Council,” Faraj Al-Bahsani.

The sources stated that the agreement included handing over Al-Wadiah crossing to the recruits of the Fifth Brigade of the so-called “Dera Al-Watan forces” established by Riyadh, whose members were recruited, in the view of Faraj Al-Bahsani, instead of the Islah party militants present at the crossing led by Hashim Al-Ahmar.

According to the sources, the Saudi commander, Al-Baqami, cut through this agreement the way in front of the UAE, which is pushing the leadership of the “Hadrami elite forces” to take over the crossing, which Saudi Arabia considered a direct threat to its interests.

During the past week, Saudi Arabia adopted the boycott campaign announced by the political and tribal components in Hadramout for the consultative meeting called for by the UAE-affiliated Southern Transitional Council, as the Hadrami components considered, in their positions, that “Hadramout is a difficult figure in the equation of a political solution to peace in Yemen.”