YEMEN Press Agency

Russian ambassador in Washington: US officials’ statements about drone attack on Kremlin are absurd and very rude

WORLD, May 04 (YPA) – Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov said that the statements of US officials about attack on the Kremlin with drones are surprising for their absurdity and rudeness.

Earlier, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre, commenting on the Kremlin’s drone attack, said that the United States discourages Ukraine from striking Russian territory.

He stressed that the statements by US officials “are striking in their cynicism and absurdity.”

“The US did not find it possible to recognize the obvious thing – it was a terrorist action planned by the Zelensky regime and an assassination attempt targeting the President of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the timing was not chosen by chance – ahead of Victory Day and the May 9 Parade, where foreign guests are planned to take part in,” Antonov said.

According to the Russian diplomat, Moscow hoped that the US administration “would have the guts and dignity to condemn this terrorist act, but Washington today defends the criminals in Kiev.”