YEMEN Press Agency

STC commander killed during Abyan infighting

ABYAN, April 03 (YPA) – A military commander in the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militias was killed infighting among the UAE-backed factions in Abyan, southern Yemen, in a remarkable shift in the course of the battle launched by the STC months ago under the slogan of fighting al-Qaeda.

This was confrimed by Yemen News Portal , based on testimonies of media sources.

According to media sources, the commander of the Security Belt in the Mudiyah district, Saddam Hussein Al-Salhi, was killed during clashes with factions affiliated with Mukhtar al-Nawbi, commander of the Fifth Brigade in Radfan and the STC Axis in Abyan.

The clashes erupted between the two parties over the continued attacks on factions coming from outside Abyan in Mudiyah district, amid accusations of the Abyan factions of conspiring against them.