YEMEN Press Agency

Transport Minister reveals latest developments regarding Sanaa airport

SANAA, March 08 (YPA) – Minister of Transport in the Sanaa government, Abdel-Wahhab Al-Durra, revealed on Wednesday the latest developments in the negotiations regarding the operation of new flights from Sanaa airport to Cairo and India.

“We made all efforts to block pretexts and operate flights from Sanaa airport towards Cairo and India, but no avail, the minster al-Durra aid in a statement,” the Saudi-led coalition is still procrastinating.”

He affirmed that the scheduling of flights to Cairo was suspended at the last minute, blaming the coalition for being the operator of its tools inside.

The minister advised Yemenia Airways, being the only national carrier, which operate professionally flights from Sanaa Airport, similar to other local airports.

He went on to say: “Yemenia Airlines is concerned with providing clarifications to the public opinion about the reasons that impede the operation of the destinations of India and Cairo.”

Al-Durra pointed out that three flights a week to a single Sanaa-Amman destination do not meet the need, especially for patients who cannot be treated at home after eight years of siege and war.