YEMEN Press Agency

Aden governor reveals new phase of fighting in southern Yemen

ADEN, Feb. 28 (YPA) – Aden governor confirmed that the ongoing conflict between the coalition tools in Aden city has established a new phase of warfare that causes further destabilization of the security and economic conditions in the province.

The governor, Tariq Salam, appointed by Sanaa, explained that the attempts of the coalition countries seeking to rearrange the ranks of its militias, indicating that it would only achieve more killing and destruction against the Yemeni citizen, who is suffering from the scourge of wars, poverty and hunger in the failed governments backed by the coalition.

Salam pointed out that the current role played by Saudi Arabia in Aden and the occupied provinces in general has confirmed the blurring of the situation, the confusion in the vision, and the fragility and fragmentation of the coalition against Yemen.

He attributed the confusion of the policy of the coalition to their unwillingness to put up with the militias, which have become a threat to the coalition.

Salam pointed out that the purpose of the timing of the statement of the President of the Riyadh-formed Presidential Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, on the southern issue, was to pass the coalition plan to achieve more dismemberment of southern Yemen, perpetuate its occupation, and plunder its wealth, in additional to ignite the southern provinces with bloody wars that kill innocent citizens.