YEMEN Press Agency

Insan condemns Saudi crimes against African migrants

SANAA, Nov. 14 (YPA) – Insan (Human) Organization for Rights and Freedoms condemned the crimes committed by the Saudi border guards against African and Yemeni immigrants.

In a statement, issued on Sunday, the organization expressed its concerns about the situation of thousands of migrants in the notorious Saudi detention centers.

It pointed out that a number of African migrants were detained in small rooms and tortured with electric wires and others, and others were subjected to electric shocks after wetting the floors of the rooms, which led to the death of many of them by Saudi border guards.

The statement called on international and local organizations to condemn and denounce these violations, which are inconsistent with international humanitarian covenants, stressing the importance of working to protect migrants who are subjected to violations, torture and killing.

Insan organization also called for an urgent step by the international community to pressure the Saudi authorities to abide by international humanitarian conventions.