YEMEN Press Agency

Arab League summit will begin on Tuesday evening in Algeria

WORLD, Nov. 01 (YPA) – The Arab summit will begin on Tuesday evening in the Algerian capital Algiers to discuss several issues.

On top of its agenda, the summit will also discuss the Palestinian issue, Syria and internal Arab issues such as the tense relations between Algeria and Morocco, in parallel with the crisis provoked by the war in Ukraine.

The King and Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and the King of Morocco will be absent from the summit due to regional considerations.

The host of the summit on Tuesday and Wednesday remains a steadfast supporter of the Palestinians, even mediating a reconciliation deal in October between rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas.

The Arab  foreign ministers had preceded the summit with a preparatory meeting by adopting all the draft files on the agenda to be submitted at the level of the Arab leaders’ summit scheduled for Tuesday.