YEMEN Press Agency

Iran to file lawsuit against US for its involvement in Iranian unrest

TEHRAN, Oct. 23 (YPA) – Iranian authorities announced that they will file a lawsuit against the United States for its direct role and involvement in the recent unrest across the country.

The Deputy Chief of Iran’s judiciary, Kazem Gharibabadi, vowed that Iran would file a lawsuit in Tehran courts against the US government and the London-based Farsi-language media for “instigating violence, mobilizing the riots, and sabotaging public and private property in Iran,” according to the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).

“Due to the direct involvement and meddling of the United States in the recent unrest, it has been decided to open a court case to assess the damages and issue a verdict,” Gharibabadi said.

As to the destructive role of TV networks such as Iran International and BBC Persian in inciting protestors to destroy public and private properties as well as training them to embark on terrorist acts, according to Gharibabadi

He continued: “ The two TV networks and their personnel should be added to the list of terrorist groups and individuals, so the Islamic Republic is preparing documented cases on their anti-Iran attempts, which would be pursued by Iranian and foreign judiciaries in the near future.”

The roles of countries such as the UK and Saudi Arabia that host and support the TV networks will not be ignored by the Islamic Republic’s judiciary system, he added.