YEMEN Press Agency

Israeli forces arrest 10 Palestinians in West Bank, Jerusalem

SANAA, Oct. 23 (YPA) – The Zionist enemy forces arrested on Sunday a number of Palestinian citizens in various areas of the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem.

According to Palestinian sources, these forces arrested two young men from Deir Nizam, west of the city of Ramallah.

In Hebron, Israeli occupation troops arrested two freed prisoners from their homes in the town of Dura, while two young men from Dehisheh camp south of Bethlehem were arrested.

In Qalqilya, the Zionist soldiers also arrested two young men from the village of Azzun, after raiding and searching their homes and tampering with their contents.

In Occupied Jerusalem, the Zionists arrested the girl Diala Abu Ayyash and her mother from the town of Issawiya.