YEMEN Press Agency

President al-Mashat inaugurates local development program of link state agencies with society

SANAA, Oct. 18 (YPA) – President of the Supreme Political Council, Mahdi Al-Mashat, inaugurated on Tuesday the local development program and joint work between state agencies and the components of society.

During the inauguration, President Al-Mashat confirmed that this project would be one of the projects that Leader of the Revolution constantly urged, as well as local development at the level of districts and the provinces.

He expressed his hope that it would receive the attention of the local authorities in the local councils in the provinces’ districts.

Mr. President affirmed that restoring the activity of the state institution is everyone’s responsibility, both from his workplace and his responsibilities.

“Everyone is concerned with restoring the activity of state institutions while serving the citizen, each in a position of responsibility,” Al-Mashat added.

Regarding the difficulties, he said that they could be overcome if there was will and diligence.