YEMEN Press Agency

Hadramout tribes denounces STC’s acts in Seiyun

HADRAMOUT, Oct. 18 (YPA) – Al Kathir tribe, one of largest tribes in Hadramout province, denounced on Tuesday raising pictures of the UAE-backed head of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias at the Al Kathiri Palace gate in the city of Seiyun.

Al Kathir tribe considered in a statement that the use of Al Kathiri Palace by the STC militia to carry out political activities and raise pictures of its symbols at the entrance to the palace, a provocative act to all the honorable sons of the province.

The statement demanded the acting deputy Hadramout governor for Valley and Desert Affairs to stop such provocative actions and to hold accountable those who opened the palace and allowed protesters to enter it.

Last Saturday, a picture of Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, a head of the STC militia, was placed at the gate of Al-Kathiri Palace during organizing a protest demonstration in the city of Seiyun, calling for the removal of the Islah forces from Hadramout districts.